BuildingEnergy Boston 2017 Speakers

Workshop Presenters

Rachelle Ain's pictureRachelle Ain

Robb Aldrich's pictureRobb Aldrich

John Balfe V's pictureJohn Balfe V

Joseph da Silva's pictureJoseph da Silva

Ralph Dinola's pictureRalph Dinola

Oliver Klein's pictureOliver Klein

Gary Klein's pictureGary Klein

Bill Maclay's pictureBill Maclay

Stephany Mason's pictureStephany Mason

Christopher Schaffner's pictureChristopher Schaffner

Andy Shapiro's pictureAndy Shapiro

Neetu Siddarth's pictureNeetu Siddarth

Vipul Singh's pictureVipul Singh

Amelia Amon's pictureAmelia Amon
Alt. Technica

Sean Anderson's pictureSean Anderson

Steven Baczek's pictureSteven Baczek
Steven Baczek Architect

Barbra BatShalom's pictureBarbra BatShalom
Sustainable Performance Institute (SPI)

Abbe Bjorklund's pictureAbbe Bjorklund
Dartmouth College

Chris Briley's pictureChris Briley

Michael Browne's pictureMichael Browne
Advanced Building Analysis, LLC

Steven Burke's pictureSteven Burke
Consigli Construction

Alex Carver's pictureAlex Carver
Northern Timbers Construction

Morgan Casella's pictureMorgan Casella
Dynamic Organics

Christopher Chamberland's pictureChristopher Chamberland
Berkshire Design Group, Inc.

Saheel Chandrani's pictureSaheel Chandrani
ABB Building Solutions, Americas

Fred Davis's pictureFred Davis
Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN)

Michael Duclos's pictureMichael Duclos

Mick Dunn's pictureMick Dunn

Stephen Estes-Smargiassi's pictureStephen Estes-Smargiassi
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

David Farnsworth's pictureDavid Farnsworth
Regulatory Assistance Project

Ian Finlayson's pictureIan Finlayson
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

David Foley's pictureDavid Foley
Holland & Foley Architecture, LLC

Betsy Glynn's pictureBetsy Glynn
BlueHub Capital

Ian Gordon's pictureIan Gordon
GroTec Builders

Ben Graham's pictureBen Graham
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build

Martha Grover's pictureMartha Grover
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)

David Hall's pictureDavid Hall
Hall and Moskow

Todd Holland's pictureTodd Holland
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Doug Horgan's pictureDoug Horgan
BOWA Design Build Experts

Andy Hoskinson's pictureAndy Hoskinson
Center for Sustainable Energy

Phil Kaplan's picturePhil Kaplan
Kaplan Thompson Architects

Isabel Kaubisch's pictureIsabel Kaubisch
Clarendon Hill Consulting

Declan  Keefe's pictureDeclan Keefe
Co-Everything, LLC

Peter Kelly-Detwiler's picturePeter Kelly-Detwiler
Northbridge Energy Partners

David Kelman's pictureDavid Kelman
Keller Williams Realty

Jim Kennerly's pictureJim Kennerly
Sustainable Energy Advantage

Jacob Knowles's pictureJacob Knowles
BR+A Consulting Engineers

Doug Leaffer's pictureDoug Leaffer
Tufts University

Robert Leaver's pictureRobert Leaver
New Commons

Tom LeBoeuf's pictureTom LeBoeuf
Northeast Craftsmen Group

Daniel Levy's pictureDaniel Levy
Greenspring Building Systems

Lourdes Lopez's pictureLourdes Lopez
City of Boston Environment

Ace McArleton's pictureAce McArleton
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build

Parlin Meyer's pictureParlin Meyer
BrightBuilt Home

Robert Meyers's pictureRobert Meyers
South Mountain Company

John Morris's pictureJohn Morris
D+R International

Lauren Moss's pictureLauren Moss
Vornado Realty Trust

Fortunat Mueller's pictureFortunat Mueller
ReVision Energy

Galen Nelson's pictureGalen Nelson
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Christopher Nielson's pictureChristopher Nielson
Bruner/Cott Architects, Inc.

Matthew O'Malia's pictureMatthew O'Malia

Todd Olinsky-Paul's pictureTodd Olinsky-Paul
Clean Energy States Alliance | Clean Energy Group

Paul Ormond's picturePaul Ormond
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

Emily Powers's pictureEmily Powers
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

Jacob Deva Racusin's pictureJacob Deva Racusin
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build

Susanne Rasmussen's pictureSusanne Rasmussen
City of Cambridge, Environmental and Transportation Planning Division

Arah Schuur's pictureArah Schuur
Optimal Energy, Inc

Philip Smith's picturePhilip Smith
Existing Condition Surveys Inc.

John Straube's pictureJohn Straube
RDH Building Science

Steven Strong's pictureSteven Strong
Solar Design Associates, LLC

Peter Sun's picturePeter Sun
City of Boston Inspectional Services

Jason Taylor's pictureJason Taylor
Byggmeister, Inc.

Erin Taylor's pictureErin Taylor
Green Energy Consumers Alliance

Jesse Thompson's pictureJesse Thompson
Kaplan Thompson Architects

Kohta Ueno's pictureKohta Ueno
Building Science Corporation

Fred Unger's pictureFred Unger
Heartwood Group, Inc.

Drew Vernalia's pictureDrew Vernalia
Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation

Mark Webster's pictureMark Webster
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Ken Wertz's pictureKen Wertz
Massachusetts Facilities Administrators Association