BuildingEnergy Boston 2024 Speakers

Travis  Anderson's pictureTravis Anderson
Boston Planning & Development Agency

Christina Aßmann's pictureChristina Aßmann
Building Evolution Corporation

Joanne Bissetta's pictureJoanne Bissetta
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

Joe Bodine's pictureJoe Bodine
Sustainable Comfort

Olivia Brady's pictureOlivia Brady
Karpman Consulting

Andy Buccino's pictureAndy Buccino
Stephens and Company, Inc.

Nicole Burger's pictureNicole Burger
Innova Building Advisors

Iara Cury's pictureIara Cury
A Feel For Justice

Jim D'Aloisio's pictureJim D'Aloisio
Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt

Catherine Earley's pictureCatherine Earley
Vermont Integrated Architecture (VIA)

Mark Ginsberg's pictureMark Ginsberg
Curtis + Ginsberg Architects

Christopher Grey's pictureChristopher Grey
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Nancy Hanright's pictureNancy Hanright
Boston Medical Center

Michael Hindle's pictureMichael Hindle
Passive To Positive

Meg Howard's pictureMeg Howard
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Floris Keverling Buisman's pictureFloris Keverling Buisman
475 High Performance Building Supply

Lydia Lowe's pictureLydia Lowe
Chinatown Community Land Trust

Dylan Martello's pictureDylan Martello
Steven Winter Associates

Ace McArleton's pictureAce McArleton
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build

Emily Mottram's pictureEmily Mottram
Mottram Architecture

Kellie Murphy's pictureKellie Murphy
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)

Tamir Nir's pictureTamir Nir
Abode Energy Management

Heather Nolen's pictureHeather Nolen
Association For Energy Affordability (AEA)

Rylee Noonan's pictureRylee Noonan
Sustainable Comfort

Paul Ormond's picturePaul Ormond
MA Department of Energy Resources (DOER)

Mike Ostiguy's pictureMike Ostiguy
Abode Energy Management

Andrew Padian's pictureAndrew Padian
Association For Energy Affordability (AEA)

Shari Rauls's pictureShari Rauls
Steven Winter Associates

Cheryl Saldanha's pictureCheryl Saldanha
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

Tracey Weeden's pictureTracey Weeden
Boston Medical Center

Rachel White's pictureRachel White
Byggmeister, Inc.

Andy Winslow's pictureAndy Winslow
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)

Joel Wool's pictureJoel Wool
Boston Housing Authority