BuildingEnergy NYC 2018 Speakers
Workshop Presenters
Grayson Braun
ABET, Inc.Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Michael Bruss
Bruss Project ManagementWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Jack Dinning
Parsons School of Design at The New SchoolWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Elizabeth DiSalvo
Trillium Architects Co-Operative, Inc.Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Paul Eldrenkamp
The Compliance Mentor Group (TCMG)Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Yetsuh Frank
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Phil Kaplan
Kaplan Thompson ArchitectsWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Todd Kimmel
ROCKWOOL North AmericaWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Heather Louise Madsen
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Kirsten Mariager
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Dylan Martello
Steven Winter AssociatesWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Bill O'Brien
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Ben Southworth
Garland MillWednesday, October 3, 2018 - 2:00pm
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Lisa Carey Moore
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Amelia Amon
Alt. Technica
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Alice Anigacz
Community Preservation Corporation (CPC)
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Lois Arena
Steven Winter Associates
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Tareq Batarseh
Robert Derector Associates
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Sara Bayer
Magnusson Architecture and Planning (MAP)
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Jamin Bennett
SunKeeper Solar
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Gina Bocra
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Kevin Brennan
Brennan Brennan Insltn. & Airtightness
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Stuart Brodsky
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Amy Brusiloff
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Dan Canova
Sto Corp
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Ron Celentano
Celentano Energy Services
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Rory Christian
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Ned Collier
ICON Architecture
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Gonzalo Cruz
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Marilyn Dare
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Jordan Dentz
MaGrann Associates
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Dale Desmarais
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Rob Gauchat
Solar Liberty
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Alex Gazis
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Mark Ginsberg
Curtis + Ginsberg Architects
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Nick Goldsmith
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Tristan Grant
New Buildings Institute
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Chris Halfnight
Urban Green Council
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Jordan Harrison Salinger
NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery & Resiliency
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Rebecca Hatchadorian
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Jeff Hendler
Logical Buildings
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Damei Jack
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Elizabeth Kelly
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Terrence Kennedy
Lycée Français de New York
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
David Klatt
Logical Buildings
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Steve Klocke
Steven Winter Associates
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Sara Lappano
Integral Group, Inc.
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Chong Lin
National Grid
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Julie Liu
Centsible House
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Julie Lynch
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Christopher Mahase
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Andrea Mancino
Bright Power
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Alfredo Matos
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Ed May
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Edward McGraw
Ashley McGraw Architects, DPC
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Sadie McKeown
Community Preservation Corporation (CPC)
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Sofia Melo
CodeGreen Solutions
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Andrea Mengual
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Lauren Moss
Vornado Realty Trust
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Chris Neidl
Brooklyn SolarWorks
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Laura Nettleton
Thoughtful Balance
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Crystal Ng
Curtis + Ginsberg Architects
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Brandon Nicholson
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Jon Nickerson
National Grid
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Patrick O'Donnell
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Aaron Ordower
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
James Ortega
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Brian Picariello
Orange & Rockland
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Jacob Deva Racusin
New Frameworks Natural Design/Build
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
David Reardon
Miller Environmental Group
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
Lindsay Robbins
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Dana Schneider
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Pete Sikora
New York Communities for Change
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Leia Sims
BlocPower, LLC
Thursday, October 4 - 11:30
Scott Smith
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Mcgowan Southworth
Brooklyn Power, LLC
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Justin Stein
Bronx Pro Group
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Jason Taylor
Byggmeister, Inc.
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Shawn Torbert
ROCKWOOL North America
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Peter Volandes
Volmar Construction
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Anna Weingord
Urban Green Council
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Michael Weisberg
American Worldwide Energy///M-Corecredit
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
David White
Right Environments
Thursday, October 4 - 9:30
Bill Womeldorf
Womeldorf & Associates
Thursday, October 4 - 3:30
John Wright
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30
Marc Zuluaga
Cadence OneFive
Thursday, October 4 - 1:30