NESEA Business Member Directory
The NESEA Business Member Directory includes all organizations that are NESEA Business, Academic, and Non-Profit/Government Members. Please let people know that you learned about their services from the directory.
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New Hampshire Housing
New Hampshire Housing is a self-supporting public corporation that promotes, finances, and supports housing solutions for the people of New Hampshire. We operate rental and homeownership programs designed to assist low—and moderate-income persons with obtaining affordable housing. We have helped more than 55,000 families purchase their own homes and have been instrumental in financing the creation of more than 16,000 multifamily housing units.
New York City Department of City Administrative Services (DCAS)
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) Division of Energy Management (DEM) is the hub for energy management in city buildings. DCAS plays a critical role in supporting our agency partners' progress toward the City's major emissions reduction and energy objectives.
New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC)
NYCEEC, the country’s first local green bank, is a not-for-profit specialty financier of projects that save energy and reduce greenhouse gases. We work with real estate developers, contractors, technology providers, clean energy project developers, and building owners to finance a range of projects and technologies, including solar, storage, energy efficiency, high-performance buildings, net zero energy, and passive house projects.
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYSHCR)
HCR develops, preserves, and protects affordable housing and invests in economically vibrant communities. We work with many private, public, and nonprofit partners to create safe, healthy, affordable housing opportunities for all New Yorkers. HCR is charged with carrying out Governor Hochul’s new $25 billion, five-year, comprehensive housing plan to increase the housing supply by creating or preserving 100,000 affordable homes across New York, including 10,000 with support services for vulnerable populations and electrifying an additional 50,000 homes.
Next Phase Studios
Next Phase Studios Architects is a collaborative design firm providing full design services for architecture and interiors. We work as an experienced, integrated team and use a dynamic, problem-solving approach. As individuals and studio members, we strive for a very high level of expertise and effectiveness. This method leads to creative, sustainable, innovative design, building technology, and well-managed project delivery.
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)
NEEP was founded in 1996 as a non-profit accelerating energy efficiency in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states. Today, it is one of six Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations (REEOs) funded, in part, by the US Department of Energy to support state efficiency policies and programs. Our Vision: We envision the region's homes, buildings, and communities transformed into efficient, affordable, low-carbon, resilient places to live, work, and play. Our Mission: We seek to accelerate regional collaboration to promote advanced energy efficiency and related solutions in homes, buildings, industry, and communities.
Industry Leader NESEA Member
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
Founded in 1975, the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) mission is to advance sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate, and learn.
Northeastern University Sustainable Building Organization (NUSBO)
Northeastern University Sustainable Building Organization (NUSBO) seeks to engage and connect members interested in the field of sustainable building and foster multi-disciplinary relationships between students, educators, and professionals in the industry.
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) works with the communities of the Greater Lowell region to support and enhance a wide range of planning objectives related to land use, environmental protection, energy, economic development, housing, public health, public safety, municipal service delivery and transportation.
NRG Insulated Block
NRG Block can create affordable zero energy-ready buildings. NRG's truly continuous insulation (zero thermal bridges) optimizes concrete's thermal storage capacity. NRG's concrete interior absorbs and stores energy. The middle layer of continuous insulation holds the energy in the building and prevents exterior influence. NRG's concrete exterior adds an attractive, secure, fire-safe, bulletproof, and low-maintenance architectural finish. NRG Block enables demand shifting of electric HVAC to periods of off-peak rates. Over 300 buildings have been created in the last 25 years. Low embodied-carbon concrete options coming online will complement the lifetime low operating-carbon performance that NRG already delivers.
NYC Housing Development Corp.
The New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) seeks to increase the supply of multi-family housing, stimulate economic growth, and revitalize neighborhoods by financing the creation and preservation of affordable housing for low-, moderate-, and middle-income New Yorkers. HDC is also a key financing partner in rehabilitating our city’s public housing stock under the NYCHA Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) initiative.
Industry Leader NESEA Member
NYSERDA is a public benefit corporation that offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA professionals work to protect the environment and create clean energy jobs. Since 1975, NYSERDA has been developing partnerships to advance innovative energy solutions in New York.
The NESEA Business Member Directory is the premier referral resource for consumers and professionals looking for high-performance building and renewable energy professionals in the Northeast.
A listing in this directory results in increased visibility and referrals for our member organizations. The NESEA Business Member Directory is published online and in print (fall issue of BuildingEnergy magazine, circulation 3500). If you would like to be included in the directory, join NESEA today at one of our organization membership levels. Learn more.