My Case Studies

Thank you for your interest in submitting a case study to NESEA's high performance building database. Qualifying case studies will be net zero, net positive, net zero capable, Passive House, or a deep energy retrofit.

To add a new case study or edit your in-progress case studies:

  1. Log in, or if you do not already have a account, create one.
  2. NESEA members can proceed, however non-members must first request access.
  3. Click "Create a NEW case study," or click the "edit" link next to your draft case study.
  4. Note that there are multiple sections to complete.
  5. Save your work regularly using the "Save and Continue" button.
  6. You can always save a case study and come back later to this page to keep working on it.
  7. When you're ready to submit your case study, change the status to "Ready for Review" (and scroll down to hit "Save"). 
  8. We'll then review the case study and publish it if it qualifies for the database. We'll be in touch directly if we need more information from you.

Note: if you are working with a team to create a case study, it might be easier to use this spreadsheet, which lists all the fields. Then, one person can use the spreadsheet to enter the data into the case study.