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Triple Decker Retrofit Providing Affordable Housing in Cambridge, MA

Architect's rendering of a rehabilitated triple-decker, with people walking in front.

Event Date: 

Friday, May 19, 2023




Cambridge, MA 02138

CEU Information: 

AIA (4 LU)


$25 Members/$35 Non-Members

Note: This Pro Tour has sold out and the waitlist is full.

Join NESEA to tour this gut rehabilitation of a fire-damaged triple-decker in Cambridge, MA. The building, which provides three apartments for low-income residents, required emergency reconstruction; the owner requested high-quality, energy efficient design, paired with electrification instead of in-kind replacement. Our hosts, ZeroEnergy Design, will tell the story of the project: while renovating down to the studs, the project goals included maximizing building sustainability while minimizing long-term operating and replacement costs. In order to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient living spaces, the design includes an all-electric high performance building that will eliminate combustion onsite, utilizes materials for exceptional indoor air quality and low embodied carbon, and includes constant mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. 

The tour will show attendees how this project provides quality housing for three families in a desirable urban neighborhood at an affordable rate in perpetuity. As a commitment to these goals and to bring project in line with the owner's mission and portfolio, the project is seeking Enterprise Green Communities certification and has ambitious sustainability goals for a building of this size, including electrification. Join us!

Update: Thank you to our attendees and sponsors for making this Pro Tour a success. We have assembled some photos from the event here.


12:30 PM

Doors open, registration, networking and coffee

1:00 PM

Welcome by NESEA

1:10 PM

Overview of the project by the host

2:00 PM

Tour of project begins; attendees rotate through content-specific stations

3:45 PM

Group Reconvenes back at initial meeting point

4:00 PM

Reception with light refreshments

4:15 PM

Q&A Panel with members of project team

5:00 PM

Event Concludes


If you have questions about this event, you can contact us via

2024 Pro Tour Series Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor


Event Sponsors