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Planned Giving

Our Shared Legacy

Since 1975, NESEA has changed careers, strengthened business, and impacted lives through fostering connection, collaboration, and friendships. We’ve pushed the envelope of best practice, tackled emerging challenges, learned from one another, and developed treasured relationships along the way.

Today, NESEA envisions a built environment in the Northeast that is climate neutral, adaptive and resilient, energy independent, architecturally inspiring, and supportive of connection and community. As a member of this enduring community, your planned gift can support NESEA’s continued success and our shared work well into the future.

The Impact of Your Gift

Your planned gift to NESEA supports our ability to pursue our mission: advancing the adoption of sustainable energy practices in the built environment by cultivating a community where practitioners share, collaborate and learn.

Whether NESEA has been a part of your life since its inception or you are simply a fan of the meaningful work the organization does, planned giving allows you to support its financial health and future impact.

Unless otherwise specified, all planned gifts will be considered general donations to NESEA. This allows us to apply support where it is most needed year-to-year. 

Examples of how gifts may be used include establishing strategic scholarships, building new partnerships, welcoming internationally renowned speakers to our conferences, supporting program development and expansion, shoring up reserves, and efforts to support the participation of people who face financial challenges and/or who have been previously underrepresented in our industries. 

Another option donors may consider is specifying that their gift supports the Endowment Fund.


Planning Your Legacy

Everyone has a different set of circumstances and different goals in planning their legacy, and there are many options available for planned giving. We always recommend you having a conversation with your financial advisor on the best way to proceed based on your situation. You can read an overview of the planned giving options that work best for NESEA here.

Make a Gift

Are you interested in making a planned gift, of any size, to NESEA? Then we ask you to complete a pledge form indicating your intentions.

Completing this form is not legally binding. However, it will ensure that your intention to make a planned gift to NESEA is on file with the organization. It will also automatically enroll you in the Sustainable NESEA Society, composed of individuals who have made a planned gift commitment and will include you in all communications and gatherings associated with this group.

To start a conversation about making a planned gift to NESEA, please contact Executive Director Florence MacGregor at or (413) 774-6051 ext. 10. Everyone has a different set of circumstances and different goals in planning their legacy, and there are many options available for planned giving.

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.