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BuildingEnergy NYC 2021 CEUs

Can I earn CEUs by attending BuildingEnergy NYC 2021?

Yes! You can choose from 17 accredited sessions to earn up to 7 credit hours during this year's conference.

What accrediting organizations are CEUs available for?

This year's conference will offer credits from AIA, BPI, GBCI, PHIUS, RESNET, and NYS Professional Engineer certificationWhen you log in to the conference website in September, be sure to add any relevant membership numbers to your profile.

You will also receive a detailed certificate of attendance via email after the conference. You can use that certificate to self-report your hours to other professional organizations.

All conference sessions offer AIA learning units, with a mix of LU and LU|HSW credits. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

Most sessions offer credits from the Building Performance Institute (BPI) — see individual session pages for details or use this clickable PDF to view all BPI-approved sessions. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

Most sessions offer GBCI credits for LEED certifications (BD+C, ID+C and/or O+M), and some will also offer WELL credits — see individual session pages for details or use this clickable PDF to view specific credits offered for all GBCI-approved sessions. NESEA will report LEED credits on your behalf, but you must self-report WELL credits.

All conference sessions offer PHIUS CPHC credits. You will self-report using this form to receive credits, using the code included on your certificate of attendance.

For attending the full day of programming on Thursday, September 30th, you are eligible to receive 5.5 hours of credit from RESNET. You will self-report your credits.

NY State Professional Engineers
Professional Engineers can self-report AIA-approved sessions for New York State license renewal. Attend sessions on topics related to your professional area, and self-report to NYSED.