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BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 CEUs

How many CEUs are available at BuildingEnergy Boston?

With this year's virtual format, you can choose from 34 accredited sessions to earn up to 13 CEUs during the live event, and you'll be able to earn up to 20 CEUs by watching session recordings and taking quizzes after the event.

Can I earn CEUs after the event?

BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 conference registrants can still earn CEUs for up to a year after the event by watching a selection of the session recordings and completing the accompanying quizzes.

Certificates of Attendance

If you attend at least one session at BuildingEnergy Boston 2021, you will receive a detailed certificate of attendance via email in June. You can use that certificate to self-report your hours to your professional organizations.

If you want AIA, BPI, GBCI-LEED, and/or MA CSL credits: NESEA must report those credits directly to those organizations. When you login to the conference website in early May, be sure your participant profile includes your membership numbers to any applicable organizations.

What CEUs are available at BuildingEnergy Boston 2021?

We are pleased to offer AIA, BPI, GBCI, MA CSL, PHI, PHIUS, and RESNET credits at BuildingEnergy Boston 2021.

All conference sessions on Thursday and Friday will offer AIA learning units, primarily LU/HSW. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

19 sessions offer credits from the Building Performance Institute (BPI). You can use this clickable PDF to view all BPI-approved sessions. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

17 sessions offer GBCI credits for LEED certifications (BD+C, ID+C, O+M & WELL). You can use this clickable PDF to view all GBCI-approved sessions. NESEA will report BD+C, ID+C, O+M credits on your behalf; however, you must self-report WELL credits.

The conference has been approved for Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License (CSL) credits in Energy and in Business Practice. CSL credit-hours are given as a packet: 4.5 CEUs for attending Thursday and 4.5 CEUs for attending Friday. NESEA will report credits on your behalf, and you will use your Certificate of Attendance in your license renewal portfolio. Note that for each day you claim credit, you must sign in and attend at least 4.5 hours of sessions.

Passive House Institute
PHI has approved two sessions, both on Friday, May 7:  Case Study of a Low-Energy Multifamily Development (1 credit point) and Single Family Retrofit to Passive House EnerPHit Standards (1 credit point). You will self-report your credits. 

This year's conference has been approved for up to 9 PHIUS CPHC credits. Credit-hours are given as a packet: 4.5 credits for attending Thursday and 4.5 credits for attending Friday. You may self-report on PHIUS's website to receive credits. Your certificate of attendance will include the codes you'll need to report which day(s) you attended.

BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 has been designated a regional RESNET conference. RESNET raters, QADs, and instructors will automatically receive 4.5 credit hours for attending Thursday, May 6; 4.5 hours for attending Friday, May 7; and 9 hours for attending the full conference. You will self-report your credits.