BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 Conference Sessions
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
KEYNOTE — Design for Freedom: A Call to Action Environmental exploitation very often goes hand in hand with human exploitation. How do we harness the collective knowledge we have gained from our work quantifying carbon, improving health impacts, and reducing environmental degradation, and apply it to... Full Description |
The Forum |
Design Process Justice and Equity Materials |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Thermal Bridging '22 What to Know and What to Do Thermal Bridging can lead to problematic condensation, increased energy usage, reduced occupant comfort, and even noncompliance with energy codes. However, we have the tools to address this challenge. In this session, we will review the three types of... Full Description |
The Library |
Building Envelope Codes and Standards Design Process Energy and Environmental Policy |
Sealing the O&M Gap: Empowering Building Operators A building operator and a board member will discuss the evolving role of operators and the importance of training and operations and maintenance (O&M). This session will also explore free training available for operators and ways management companies/... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Operations and Maintenance Training and Workforce Development |
What We Have Learned from Many Built Multifamily Passive Houses Curtis + Ginsberg Architects has completed five multifamily Passive House buildings, with two more in construction and six more in design. Steven Winter Associates has completed over 20 Passive House buildings, with 15 more in construction and 30+ more in... Full Description |
The Forum |
Building Envelope Design Process Mechanical Systems and Lighting Operations and Maintenance |
Bridging the Gap Between NYC Local Laws and Decarbonization As we look to comply with NYC Local Law 97 (LL97), we must efficiently leverage other energy-related laws in order to make more cost-effective, timely, and holistic decisions regarding electrification and carbon reduction upgrades. Our panel will discuss... Full Description |
The Hub |
Building Envelope Energy and Environmental Policy Mechanical Systems and Lighting Operations and Maintenance |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Beyond Incentives: Market-Based Funding to Decarbonize Affordable Housing As we consider how to decarbonize affordable multifamily housing communities, it is imperative to establish market-based momentum that does not solely rely on regulations and subsidy programs that may change year to year. Panelists will discuss the... Full Description |
The Forum |
Business and Finance |
Resilient, Cost-Effective, and Carbon Neutral: The Future of New York’s Multifamily Buildings As part of the State of New York’s ambitions to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by mid-century, NYSERDA initiated the Buildings of Excellence (BOE) Design Competition for multifamily new construction and deep renovation projects. The results from the... Full Description |
The Hub |
Building Envelope Design Process Health and Comfort |
Prescription for Better Buildings: Phius Prescriptive Path from Start to Plaque Phius (formerly the Passive House Institute U.S.) introduced a new version of their certification standard in 2021 with the goal of making it easier and more affordable for single-family residential homes to achieve certification. In this presentation, you... Full Description |
The Library |
Building Envelope Codes and Standards Energy and Environmental Policy Justice and Equity |
Breaking Ground on Geothermal and Thermal Energy Networks: A Pathway for Urban Areas Current pathways to carbon emission reductions are primarily driven through electrification of heating via heat pumps. Types of heat pump technology that are underutilized in the NYC area are ground source heat pumps (GSHP)/geothermal energy and other... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Energy Production and Storage Health and Comfort Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Fast Track to Equitable Electrification in NYC In 2021, HPD and NYSERDA launched a joint $24 million pilot giving direct grants to HPD Preservation projects to (holistically) electrify hot water, space heating or both. This was possible by relying on HPD's rigorous oversight paired with dedicated... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Design Process Energy and Environmental Policy Justice and Equity Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
Achieving Resource Efficient Decarbonization in Cold Climates The session will describe the Empire Building Challenge (EBC) process and Resource Efficient Electrification, expanding on the recent BuildingEnergy Magazine article on the same topic. We will update our learnings based on the work conducted by Cohort 1 of... Full Description |
The Forum |
Business and Finance Design Process Energy Production and Storage Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
Engineering Design Considerations for Energy and Carbon Reduction Recommendations To comply with NYC Local Law 97, buildings will need guidance on how to implement capital measures that effectively reduce carbon emissions. However, even detailed energy studies can have unrealistic recommendations if engineering design considerations are... Full Description |
The Hub |
Business and Finance Construction Process Design Process Energy and Environmental Policy |
A Successful Approach to Achieving Passive House at Scale Successful Passive House teams throughout North America follow an approach that, if replicated at scale, can reduce the energy load and carbon output of the built environment at the level needed to address climate change, while improving building quality.... Full Description |
The Library |
Building Envelope Construction Process Design Process |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Equitability: A Guide to Truly Hearing Our Residents The triple bottom line of sustainability addresses the importance of environmental, social and economic considerations. It's something we all strive to achieve. That being said, the social aspect is often forgotten or overlooked, particularly in... Full Description |
The Hub |
Design Process Health and Comfort Justice and Equity |
Clean Energy Financing: Collaboration in New York State NYSERDA and HCR co-developed and launched a pilot called the Clean Energy Initiative ("CEI") program, which integrates technical assistance and clean energy funding through NYSERDA's support into HCR’s affordable housing finance application... Full Description |
The Library |
Business and Finance Design Process Energy and Environmental Policy Justice and Equity |
The Path to Greener HVAC Refrigerants Transitioning to Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants is outlined as a key strategy for New York State to achieve its long-term climate goals. During this session, you’ll gain a better understanding of existing state (focus on NY) and Federal... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Codes and Standards Construction Process Energy and Environmental Policy Mechanical Systems and Lighting |
CLT Passive House Confidential: The Financial and Logistical Synergy of PH and Mass Timber Combining Passive House and mass timber construction presents an opportunity to optimize both operational and embodied carbon. The exposed wood CLT structure and building envelope elements offer numerous benefits including interior aesthetics, a healthier... Full Description |
The Forum |
Building Envelope Construction Process Design Process Materials |