Michael, a partner at Baxt Ingui Architects, has been a practicing architect for over 23 years. Baxt Ingui Architects, P.C., is an architecture and interior design firm with extensive experience in residential, institutional, and commercial projects.
They just completed the first Passive Certified project in Manhattan - also the first Passive Certified LEED Platinum for homes project, the first Passive Plus house in the United States, and the first Passive Certified project in a Landmarked district. Baxt Ingui is currently completing 4 Passive townhouse renovations with one that is targeting Net Zero.
Baxt Ingui is also actively creating a standardized process for completing Passive House projects successfully by developing a set of details and by fostering collaboration with a community of contractors and consultants that are able to solve complex installations with innovative solutions. Every successful project and detail revision is making Passive House easier to build for the contractors and more economical for the clients. It has fundamentally changed the way we look at buildings.
Michael Ingui has lectured at a number of conferences in the United States as well as internationally; he was most recently invited to speak at the 20th International Passive House Conference in Darmstadt, Germany.