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BuildingEnergy NYC 2015

TKP New York Conference Center | New York

BuildingEnergy NYC 15 is sold out! See you tomorrow morning!

  • Lunch Session with John Lee
  • PadianNYC Multifamily
  • BENYC14 Panel
  • PadianNYC
  • ConEd Booth
  • Lighting Booth
  • BuildingEnergy NYC

October 15, 2015

Welcome from the Co-Chairs

BuildingEnergy NYC 2015: Big City, Big Conversations

New York is one of the biggest cities in the world.  We have some of the most challenging energy problems and some of the best energy professionals to provide the solutions. We need times and places to compare notes and sharpen our tools for the future.

BuildingEnergy NYC is the most rapidly growing, cross-disciplinary conference that offers practical, hands-on solutions to the financial, environmental, legal, and maintenance challenges facing NYC building owners and practitioners in every neighborhood and borough. Conceived in 2012 and nearly doubling in size yearly, BuildingEnergy NYC sets itself apart as a place where members of New York’s building industry come together to learn from each other how to make the buildings of this great city even better.

In the ACEEE 2015 Energy Efficiency scores for cities, New York City scored #2, nationally. It was indicated that there was need for improvement in transportation, and energy and utility benefits programs. Let's get to work.

  *   What are we doing here in New York City to ensure its infrastructure, buildings, and policies are being sustained for future generations?

  *   How do we ensure efficient operation? How do we know when things are working?

  *   Who’s operating, retrofitting, building, and financing buildings well, and how do they measure success?

  *   How can we learn from experts and continue to innovate our industry?

At BuildingEnergy NYC this year, we’re excited to tackle those questions, start dialogues, and bring together the leaders in the industry to guide us through these questions and much more. We are excited to welcome the attendees, speakers, and exhibitors to learn from each other, swap stories, and network to build connections. A final special acknowledgement of NESEA's tremendous sponsors, especially our lead sponsor, Con Edison, and other organizational partners: we appreciate all you've done to make this event possible.

Thanks for supporting us and we hope you have a great conference.

Samantha Schoenberger, Director, Housing Development and Sustainability, Selfhelp Community Services

John Skipper, Business Development, Con Edison Energy Efficiency Programs