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NESEA Night 2023

Update: NESEA Night was sold out! Thank you for making this event so fun and successful. Click here to see a collection of photos from the evening.

Date: Wednesday, October 11
Time: 5-7:30pm
Location: Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex)
Cost: $35 Non-Members/$31.50 Members (10%) discount)
Registration includes appetizers, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages.

About NESEA Night

Join us in kicking off BuildingEnergy NYC 2023! We'll gather to honor the 2023 NESEA award recipients and celebrate our growing NYC community. NESEA Night will be held at the Building Energy Exchange, located in the stunning Surrogate's Courthouse building. Registration includes appetizers, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages. The event is open to the public, and registration is required.

During this annual event, we recognize the work of four outstanding individuals, and attendees have the opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Read about the award recipients below.

We are pleased to announce that this year, following our awards presentation and networking time, NESEA Night will feature a panel discussion on the new docuseries Roadtrip Nation Empowered State, which follows three young New Yorkers as they set out on a road trip to see how inspiring professionals are powering the state’s transition into a clean energy future—and how they can do the same. Empowered State is a production of Roadtrip Nation in partnership with NYSERDA.


5:00 Doors Open and Social Time

Awards Presentation

5:45 Welcome from NESEA Board Vice Chair Andrea Mancino

  • Distinguished Service Award presented to Phil Kaplan
  • Kate Goldstein Emerging Leader Award presented to Monisha Royan
  • Professional Leadership Award presented to Chris Benedict and Henry Gifford

Panel Discussion

6:30 Welcome from NYSERDA/Roadtrip Nation

7:15-7:30 Wrap-Up and Social Time



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Please note: NESEA Night is not included with a BuildingEnergy NYC 2023 pass. You must be preregistered to attend this event.

2023 Awards Recipients

Professional Leadership Award

The NESEA Professional Leadership Award recognizes individuals whose exemplary professional practice and body of work has contributed to advancing NESEA’s vision.

Chris Benedict

Owner, Chris Benedict, R.A.

Chris Benedict started her own Architecture firm in 1995 and has enjoyed exciting and diverse commissions ever since, creating innovative buildings that have set standards for excellence and energy performance.  She is an early pioneer in energy efficiency in apartment buildings and one of the first to adopt Passive House protocols in the US. Read more...


Henry Gifford

Mechanical System Designer, Chris Benedict, R.A.

Henry Gifford has worked with Chris Benedict for 28 years designing mechanical systems for 100+ energy efficient buildings, including the first energy efficient apartments buildings in New York City (the first anyone even said were energy efficient). His work cuts through technical myths and complexity to design economical building systems that use less energy. Read more...


Kate Goldstein Emerging Leader Award

This award recognizes a NESEA Member early in their career for their current engagement and their demonstrated potential to continue to meaningfully affect the future of NESEA.

Monisha Royan

Senior Analyst, International WELL Building Institute

Monisha Royan is a Senior Analyst at the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) in New York. She supports clients in designing buildings and policies focused on occupant's health and well-being. As an Indian licensed architect, she has applied energy-efficient design solutions in new construction and building retrofits in India. Monisha's goal is to work towards sustainability and help emerging professionals build a career in sustainability. Read more...


Distinguished Service Award

Since 1993, this award has annually recognized a NESEA Member who has made a significant contribution of time and service to the organization.

Phil Kaplan

Principal, Kaplan Thompson Architects

As co-founder and Principal of two mission-driven design firms - Kaplan Thompson Architects and BrightBuilt Home - Phil Kaplan has dedicated his career to building communities that support one another and the environment. He is one of New England’s most ambitious and enthusiastic advocates for sustainable design, bringing more than two decades of technical innovation, creative achievement, and unquenchable curiosity to his field. Phil has served NESEA as the Chair of the Board of Directors, a conference speaker, and a member of the Bottom Lines Steering Committee. He was also the creator of BE the Future, NESEA's enduring scholarship program. Read more...