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BuildingEnergy NYC 2020 CEUs

What CEUs will be available at BuildingEnergy NYC 2020?
Professional Engineer, NY State

Certificate of Attendance
Everyone who attends BuildingEnergy NYC will receive a certificate of attendance via email by mid-November. You can use that certificate to self-report your hours to professional organizations.

All sessions offer AIA learning units; the majority are approved for LU/HSW. You will receive 1 credit for each 60-minute session and 1.5 credits for each 90-minute session. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

13 sessions offer BPI credits. Use this clickable PDF to view all BPI-approved sessions. You will receive 1 credit for each 60-minute session and 1.5 credits for each 90-minute session. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

10 sessions offer GBCI credits: BD+C, ID+C, O+M & WELL. Use this clickable PDF to view all GBCI-approved sessions. NESEA will report credits on your behalf.

Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) CPHC
You can receive 6.0 CPHC CEUs for attending the full conference. Self-report on PHIUS' website with the verification code provided post-event.

Professional Engineers, NY State
Professional Engineers can self-report AIA-approved sessions for New York State license renewal. Attend sessions on topics related to your professional area, and self-report to NYSED.

BuildingEnergy NYC 2020 has been designated a regional RESNET conference. RESNET raters, QADs, and instructors can receive 4.5 credit hours for attending Thursday, Sept. 24, without additional application process or test. You will self-report your credits.

Questions about CEUs? Contact Susan Farber, Conference Manager, at