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Emerging Professionals & Students

What do we offer?

In our effort to create on-ramps into the NESEA community, we currently provide the following to emerging professionals and students:

NESEA is creating opportunities for enrichment and engagement that will ultimately further our mission over the long term. By supporting people early in their careers, we ensure a thriving NESEA community when today’s students and emerging professionals become tomorrow’s industry leaders.

Emerging Professionals Initiatives

Pilot Program: Energy Leaders Fellowship
NESEA is currently piloting a mentorship program designed for post-secondary students, with the intention to bring the program to scale when funding is secured. This program pairs each student fellow with a 1:1 mentor who is established in their field. In its current iteration, we have a cohort of 8 (4 students, 4 mentors). Read more....

BE the Future: NESEA's Scholarship Program
BuildingEnergy Boston 2016 saw the launch of the “BE the Future” initiative, catalyzed by NESEA board member Phil Kaplan. In this program, participating sponsors directly fund full-day passes to BuildingEnergy conferences and one-year NESEA Memberships for current students and emerging professionals. Read more...

BEST (Building Energy Scholars Team)
In partnership with The Compliance Mentor Group, NESEA has been awarded a grant to run a year-long career exploratory program bringing students from Boston-area voc/tech schools together with professionals in the high performance building industry. The program, titled BEST (Building Energy Scholars Team), will run during the 2022-2023 school year. The goal is to expose students to the work that we do and the possible career paths available to them while fostering connections to people already in the workforce. Learn more...

The Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals
In 2014, NESEA established the Kate Goldstein Fund for Emerging Professionals to honor Kate’s legacy of leadership, innovation, and ingenuity. Donations to this fund underwrite NESEA's efforts to recognize and support emerging leaders within our community as we continue to diversify our leadership and membership in terms of age, race, and gender identity.  Read More...



For more information on these initiatives, or to get involved with NESEA's Emerging Professionals program, email

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.