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Speaker FAQs




Do I need to submit my presentation in advance?

Not in advance. Bring your presentation to the conference on a flashdrive, and transfer it to the room's computer. NESEA staff will collect your presentation from the computer.

After the conference, Susan Farber, Conference Coordinator, will post your presentation on NESEA’s website so participants can continue to study and learn. Each speaker should have completed the supplied form to permit or deny permission to post their presentation.

How will I show my presentation?

Each room will have a PC computer. Bring your presentation – preferably as a PDF – on a flashdrive. If your session has more than one speaker, your session’s moderator or chair may ask for your presentation ahead of time to combine everyone’s into one smooth show.

Can I include video in my presentation? Yes - if it's embedded in your presentation. Keep in mind though, Internet connections are not available at the speaker's podium, and hotspots are unreliable for streaming videos.
What can I expect about the room where I will be presenting? NESEA conference staff have worked hard to balance speaker room requests with the demands of our contract with the Seaport. Please know we've done the best we can. All rooms will be set with a podium and microphone, a place for presenters to sit with microphones, a screen, a projector, and an A/V tech to assist you. There will be a water station set up and a literature table for each room. There will be two volunteers per session room: one to scan attendees' badges as they enter, the other to make announcements and introductions at the beginning of the session. See the workshop layouts HERE and the session room layouts HERE.
Will NESEA record/video my session? We do not have plans to record/video BuildingEnergy conference sessions.
Can I bring my own videographer? We're not sure we could stop anyone using their phone/device to create videos onsite. BuildingEnergy's A/V company IS NOT available to record anything, UNLESS you contract directly with them. NESEA staff does not intend to enforce any sort of prohibitive photography and/or video policy. We do ask that EVERYONE be aware of each other and not obstruct any view for ANYBODY. Your understanding of this is sincerely appreciated.
Can I get a lavalier mic? Lavalier mics are expensive because each one needs someone to offer technical assistance to operate them. We organize this conference on a very tight budget and cannot affort lavalier mics. We sincerely hope you understand..
Can I get a flip chart? NESEA will have a limited number of easels, flip charts, and markers on hand. Please contact Conference Coordinator Susan Farber if you need a flip chart set up.
Will I have access to the Internet? Our standard A/V set up DOES NOT include podium access to the Internet. 
What about attendee evaluations? We will make every effort to collect feedback from attendees.
Do you have recommendations for my Powerpoint presentation? We usually find that any font size less than 24 point is too small to be reasonably read in most presentation situations.  We would prefer to see most text at a 28 or 32- point size, with titles being 36 to 44-point size.  Charts and graphics with teeny tiny text are not super useful.
Do you pay travel expenses? No, we do not. But speaking at BuildingEnergy is great visibility for you and your company.
Will I be able to attend other sessions that I am not speaking at? Speakers at NESEA's BuildingEnergy conferences are issued a complimentary pass for the day that they are speaking. This pass allows access to conference sessions, the trade show floor, and community events.
What about food? Your full-day conference pass comes with a lunch ticket. Lunch will be served from 11:30 - 1:30PM each day. On Wednesday and Thursday, concessions will be open on the trade show floor from 11AM - 3PM.
Do you expect anything else from me besides showing up to speak?

We want your part of BuildingEnergy Boston to be a phenomenal success. So we expect you to participate in a conference call to coordinate your session with the other speakers. We also hope that you will help promote your session. Please use our event Media Kit to help spread the word about the conference and your participation.

What if I need technical assistance on the day of the conference? Volunteers and staff will be on hand to assist throughout the day. A speaker ready room will be available to you onsite. That room name is Tremont, located on the Mezzanine. If you need help prior to your session, contact Conference Coordinator Susan Farber.
What if I have other questions/concerns about speaking? If you have any other questions please contact your Content Chair or Conference Coordinator Susan Farber ( or 413-774-6051 ext 17).