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BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 Attendees FAQs

Where and when is the conference?
BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 will be a virtual conference and trade show, Wednesday-Friday, August 12-14. Read more.

What is your refund policy?
If you registered for BuildingEnergy Boston prior to March 17, 2020, your ticket will automatically be converted into a ticket for the digital event. If this works for you, you don’t need to take any action at this time.

We recognize that your financial situation may have changed since you purchased your ticket or that you may not be able to attend the virtual conference on the new dates. Additionally, the ticket price to attend the new event will likely be less than what you originally paid for your ticket. We are offering full and partial (the difference between the new price and the price you paid) refunds and credits by Wednesday, June 10.

If it is easily within your means to decline a full or partial refund, we ask that you consider doing so as a way of showing your continued support of NESEA’s work. Please fill out this form to request changes to your registration by June 10 (you must log in to your NESEA account to access this form).

We are unable to offer refunds for tickets purchased after March 17, 2020.

Why didn't my registration go through?

  • The most common reason for an unsuccessful registrations is due to credit card payment declined due to an address mismatch. Our payment processor’s fraud detection software may decline your payment if the billing address does not match exactly the address that is associated with the card.
  • Another reason may be that you had the form open in your browser for a long time, and the form may have expired before you could submit it. If you are viewing the form and then do something else for an hour before getting back to it, refresh the page before continuing.
  • Also, there might be an issue with your browser if it is an old or outdated version. You can try again using a different or more up-to-date browser.

If you continue to have difficulty registering, contact us at or (413) 774-6051 ext. 19.

What does it cost to attend?
See the pricing page for details.

How do I receive member pricing?
To receive member pricing, you must be logged in to your account. For questions about your NESEA Member account, go here.

I need to register more than one person from my company. What should I do?
Our online registration system can easily guide you through registering multiple people from your organization. If you need assistance, feel free to contact or call (413) 774-6051 ext. 19.

Do I have to pick which sessions I plan to attend prior to the conference?
No. With a full or 1-day conference pass, you may attend any sessions you wish.

Can I get CEUs for attending?
We offer a mixture of credits from AIA, AICP, BPI, GBCI, Mass. CSL, and PHIUS. All attendees receive a certificate of attendance to self-report hours to other accrediting organizations. Visit our CEU page for more information.

Are there scholarships available?
We offer a limited number of scholarships to students and emerging professionals. The application for scholarships to BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 closed on February 7.

What if I still have a question?

For registration questions, contact or call (413) 774-6051 ext. 19. For everything else, email Susan Farber, Conference Manager, at