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BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Facilitator Job Description & Application

BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines, the highly successful and engaging peer network program launched in April of 2014, has continued to grow and thrive. To support this program’s continued success, we are actively recruiting additional program facilitators.

While we do not require facilitators to be subject matter experts, the general qualifications for this role include experience leading or managing a business, leading and engaging groups, listening and communication skills, and an understanding of and commitment to the goals of both Bottom Lines and to NESEA as a whole. Interested applicants should familiarize themselves with the program here.

About Bottom Lines Facilitation
Our program splits participating companies into stable groups of 10-12. Each group has a paid facilitator or pair of co-facilitators.

These facilitators plan, guide, and manage group events to ensure that the group's objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation, and full buy-in from everyone who is involved. They perform this role with support from NESEA staff and the program Steering Committee, including other facilitators.

Required Experience and Skills:

A Bottom Lines facilitator should be:

  • An experienced planner and guide
  • Have management experience and capability
  • Clarity of purpose and the ability to maintain focus
  • Social skills that encourage participation and engagement
  • Listening and communication skills
  • The ability to lead a group (while remaining a neutral participant)
  • The ability to design and refine a successful group process (establish and manage an agenda)
  • Commitment to NESEA (including membership)

Additional Recommended Qualities:

  • Personal experience with the peer network process
  • Business leadership experience
  • Aspirations to see businesses serve people, planet, and prosperity (the triple Bottom Line)
  • Demonstrated commitment to NESEA’s work and mission
  • Shared collaborative experience
  • Commitment to the development and growth of the program

Facilitators Should Expect to:

  • Guide a group of the leaders of 10-12 businesses who have made the commitment to join and participate in the program
  • Develop personal familiarity with each member of their group, including their interest/goals in participating, and their expectations
  • Prepare group and its members for two annual 2-day gatherings at host locations in the Northeast, including defining specific roles and responsibilities for each member at that meeting (including host companies)
  • Engage members in establishing the purposes and agendas for each meeting Ensure that members are responsibly engaged in the program experience online and in person
  • Align the activities of the group with the organizational intentions of Bottom Lines to develop "whole" businesses that serve people, planet, and prosperity
  • Manage operational resources and activities that support the network in coordination with NESEA staff
  • Participate as a member of the program Steering Committee
  • Develop trust within their group by establishing supportive group normas, including maintaining confidentiality

Bottom Lines facilitators are paid $10k annually to perform these functions (co-facilitators of the same group split this stipend). Program fees cover group meals during in-person events, and facilitators are responsible for all other personal expenses related to performing this role, including travel and lodging for group meetings.

Application Process

  • Complete the online application to express interest in the position
  • Video interview with two members of the BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Steering Committee
  • Selected candidates will participate in a final interview

After being selected, before leading or co-leading a group, new Bottom Lines facilitators will be onboarded by NESEA staff and current facilitators, and, if scheduling allows, attend another group’s meeting as part of training.

Questions? Please contact

Our Mission

NESEA advances sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn.