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NESEA Night 2018

About NESEA Night

This annual event is a great way to unwind and connect with fellow conference-goers and NESEA community members. NESEA Night will be held at Westin Boston Waterfront on Thursday, March 8 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. We will be celebrating the winners of NESEA's 2018 Distinguished Service Award and 2018 Professional Leadership Award.  This community event is open to all BuildingEnergy Boston attendees as well as to the public. Sweet and savory appetizers will be served. Cash Bar.


  • 6:30 Doors Open
  • 7:15-7:45 Awards Ceremony with MC Extraordinaire, Kurt Teichert
  • 8:30 Event Concludes
  • Afterparty sponsored by BlueWave Solar at the Social Register 401 D St.

Ticket Price

A NESEA Night ticket is included with a the purchase of a full conference pass to BuildingEnergy Boston. Tickets are available for those without full conference passes for $60, or $54 for NESEA members. Purchase tickets here.

About the Awards

Professional Leadership Award

The annual Professional Leadership Award is given to someone who demonstrates exemplary professional practice and exceptional humanity.

Join us in honoring Vivian Loftness, 2018 Professional Leadership Award recipient. Vivian is an internationally renowned researcher, author and educator focused on environmental design and sustainability, climate and regionalism in architecture, and the integration of advanced building systems for health and productivity. In addition to eight book chapters and over 100 journal articles, she edited the Reference Encyclopedia Sustainable Built Environments, released by Springer Publishing in 2013.

Distinguished Service Award

Since 1993, the annual Distinguished Service Award has recognized a NESEA member who has made a significant contribution to the organization.

Join us in honoring David Foley, 2018 Distinguished Service Award recipient. David has worked in environmental building since 1980, as a designer, builder, teacher and researcher. Early in his career he worked for the Maine State Office of Energy Resources, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and several architecture firms.