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NESEA Night 2022

About NESEA Night

Join us in kicking off BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 and honoring the contributions of three outstanding individuals in the community at our annual NESEA Night awards reception!  We are delighted to host this event in New York City for the first time and to bring our community together to celebrate the awards recipients, meet new people, and reconnect with old friends. NESEA Night will be held at the Building Energy Exchange, located in the stunning Surrogate's Courthouse building, and will include savory appetizers and a cash bar. The event is open to the public and registration is required. 


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Location and Time

Date: Wednesday, September 14th
Time: 5-7pm
Location: Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex)

5:00 Doors Open and Social Time
5:45 Meet the Awards Recipients
6:30 Wrap Up and Social Time


$45 NESEA Members/$55 Non-Members
Please note: NESEA Night is not included with a BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 registration. If you are registered for BuildingEnergy NYC, you will need a register separately for NESEA Night.

COVID Safety

In accordance with the policy of the hosting venue, attendees of this event will be required to show proof of a primary series of vaccination against COVID plus 1 booster.

2022 Awards Recipients

Learn more about NESEA awards and past recipients.

Professional Leadership Award

The NESEA Professional Leadership Award recognizes an individual who typifies exemplary professional practice coupled with exceptional humanity, and whose body of work has contributed to defining NESEA’s vision.

Katrin Klingenberg is a visionary who has driven adoption of the Phius Standard throughout the past 20 years. Read More...


Kate Goldstein Emerging Leader Award

This award recognizes a NESEA Member early in their career for their current engagement and their demonstrated potential to continue to meaningfully affect the future of NESEA

Anna Heath is a carpenter, project manager and CPHC at Maine Passive House. She runs a workshop series called "We Built This" that provides introduction to carpentry courses in a space that is inclusive to people who may feel barriers to entering the trades due to their identities. Read More...


Distinguished Service Award

Since 1993, this award has annually recognized a NESEA Member who has made a significant contribution of time and service to the organization.

Richard Renner attended Williams College expecting to go to law school. After graduating in 1969, he taught high school and then worked as a welder for sculptors in Vermont. Increasingly attracted to design, he enrolled in architecture school at MIT, graduating in 1976. Read More...



Update: You can view photos from this event here.


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