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BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Business Summit 2016

Smith College Conference Center | Northampton

Join NESEA on September 21 for the second annual BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Business Summit in Northampton, MA!

A One-Day Conference for NESEA Members Focusing on Triple Bottom Line Business Practices 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 | Smith College Conference Center, Northampton, MA

$150 includes breakfast, lunch, CEUs, and full admission to all conference sessions plus the NESEA Annual Meeting



At NESEA we think a lot about how well our buildings perform—our businesses, not so much. NESEA’s newest program, the BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines peer-review network, is focused on the art and craft of building good businesses by focusing on the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit. To build on the overwhelming success of the first BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Business Summit, we'll be hosting our second Summit at Smith College in Northampton, MA on September 21. In the long-standing NESEA tradition, you’ll have chances to share with your peers not only successes to emulate, but also mistakes to avoid. This conference is targeted at all NESEA businesses, regardless of size, age, or specialty, and is the sole members-only event that NESEA organizes.

The theme of this year's Summit is the People arm of the Triple Bottom Line. Sessions will take a close look at how we determine, implement, and measure business practices that serve diverse communities of People (the company, the town, the nation, the globe). "Emergent ideas” and “growing edges” will be the name of the game. The sessions this year will be structured to take deeper dives into the material, allowing attendees more time to explore the concepts.

Accommodations:  For a special NESEA room rate at The Autumn Inn, and for recommendations on other hotels in Northampton, click here.

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8:15 - 8:45 am

Keynote: Delivering Triple Bottom Line Returns

Real Pickles founders Dan Rosenberg and Addie Rose Holland



9 am - 12 pm

Employee Retention: Systems for Success

Speakers: Beth Fraser, Kate Stephenson

Whole Business Relationships with our Community, Clients, Trades, and Team

Speakers: Jamie Wolf, Robert Leaver

Improving Productivity Through Self Care: How to Manage Stress and Be a More Effective Leader

Speaker: Susan McNamara

1pm - 2:20pm

The Five Natures: Cracking the Code to Building Successful Teams

Speakers: Mark Boudreau, Megan Godfrey

The Value of Work: Triple Bottom Line Compensation Philosophies

Speakers: John Abrams, Steve DeMetrickPaul Eldrenkamp, Sarah Hardcastle

Gender Diversity and Inclusion in the Trades

Speakers: Mary Quigley, Ace McArleton, Kate Stephenson

2:30pm - 4pm

The Five Natures (continued)

Building an Integrated Project Team

Speakers: Mel BaiserKate Stephenson

Getting in Action to Cultivate the Next Generation Workforce

Speakers: Elizabeth DiSalvo, Alicia Dolce, Dan Kolbert, Mira Lieman-Sifry, Heather Thompson

4:15 - 5pm

Closing Forum: NESEA Annual Meeting

Speakers: Joe Carry, Paul Eldrenkamp, Jennifer Marrapese



Thanks to our Annual Meeting Sponsors:



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A note from conference chair Joe Carry of Decumanus Green Design & Build:

"To best complement the many, varying and quite specific topics of the workshops, I thought it might be appropriate to choose a rather broad theme for the Summit as a whole.  I am thinking Hope might be a good one. This Summit is going to take place just months before what could be a monumental shift in the political landscape. It might be good to sow some well-timed seeds of hope. Hope is a foundational commitment device that sustains our ability to do the good: in this case, to develop businesses that care for people. At the same time hope itself is bolstered by the very people it serves. I think it would be helpful to encourage people coming to the Summit to not only learn as much as material as they can, but to also stock up on as much hope as they can, as they look around and see the optimism, strength and salt-of-the-earth goodness of their peers."

The conference is accredited for AIA LU/HSW, BPI and GBCI continuing education credits. See individual session descriptions for details. Certificates of participation will also be available.

Join a Group in 2017

BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines will be forming new networks in 2017. Attend the Summit to meet members of the four active networks and learn more about what your business could gain from becoming a member. We're eager to grow this dynamic network of NESEA members devoted to learning and sharing together. Visit the program web page to learn more and apply to join a group: