BuildingEnergy Magazine

The new issue of BuildingEnergy magazine is here! NESEA envisions a "vibrant and resilient built environment that supports climate justice and equity." As a reflection of that vision, the theme of the next issue of BuildingEnergy magazine will be Climate Resilience. This issue features articles drawn from the experiences of our community; a mix of challenges, solutions, experiences, case studies, and personal stories. You can find the link below.


The RFP for our next issue is currently open, with a theme of improving Existing Buildings. You can learn more about submitting here (Note: you must be logged into a account to access this form). If you are interested in being part of the committee that selects proposals for inclusion, please email


You can also read or download past issues of BuildingEnergy magazine below (previously known as Northeast Sun).

  • Advertise: Advertising in BuildingEnergy magazine is a great way to share your products and services with thousands of high-performance building and renewable energy professionals across the Northeast and beyond. NESEA Business Members receive 15% off. Purchase an ad here or by contacting Ryan Dovenmuehler at

If you have questions about the magazine, including authoring, being part of the Editorial Committee, or advertising, please contact NESEA at