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What CEUs are available at BuildingEnergy Boston?
All conference sessions (with the exception of the sponsored lunch sessions) are accredited for at least one of the following Continuing Education Unit (CEU) types: AIA, BPI, GBCI, MA CSL. The full conference is accredited for PHIUS CPHC credits. Please see the information below for which sessions are accredited for which CEUs.

If you sign a CEU request form for AIA, BPI, or MA CSL in a session room onsite, NESEA will report your hours to the appropriate organization.

Certificates of Attendance
If you attend at least one session at BuildingEnergy Boston 2018 and have your badge scanned, you will receive a detailed certificate of attendance via email in April. You can use that certificate to self-report your hours to other professional organizations.

All conference sessions (except for sponsored lunch sessions) are accredited for AIA LU|HSW. You will receive 1 credit for each 1-hour session and 1.5 credits for each 1.5-hour session you attend.

30 of the 50+ sessions are accredited for BPI. You can use this interactive PDF to view all BPI-accredited sessions. You will receive 1 credit for each 1-hour session and 1.5 credits for each 1.5-hour session you attend.

You may self report GBCI credits for any sessions that you attend. Learn more here.

32 of the 50+ sessions are accredited for MA CSL. You can use this interactive PDF to view all MA CSL-accredited sessions. You will receive 1 credit for each 1-hour session and 1.5 credits for each 1.5-hour session you attend.

This year's conference has been approved for 11.5 PHIUS CPHC credits. You may self-report on PHIUS' website here to receive credits. Your certificate of completion includes the codes you'll need to report which days you attended.


Is there an additional type of CEU you wish BuildingEnergy would offer? Let us know and we’ll look into providing for future conferences. Contact: Susan Farber at