BuildingEnergy NYC 2023 Sessions
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Keynote - Building Decarbonizing for All: Where Policy Meets Practice Our community is better equipped to decarbonize our built environment than ever before, with data-driven knowledge, new technologies, proven solutions, and a growing consensus that climate justice is social justice. With greater access, broad community... Full Description |
The Forum |
Justice and Equity Policy |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Finance Low-Carbon Multifamily at Scale Using Data and Program Innovation Join a candid discussion between innovators in the field of multifamily green financing. Panelists will share the motivations behind their institutions' efforts to spur adoption of low-carbon building design and technologies, and how access to... Full Description |
The Hub |
Justice and Equity Policy Finance Business Operations and Collaboration |
Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for a College Campus The path of net zero carbon must be carefully assessed, especially if we are laying out the roadmap for a college campus with historic buildings and aging infrastructure. In this session, we will explain how we developed a net zero carbon campus master... Full Description |
Innovation Space |
Design and Construction Process Building Envelope MEP Systems Operations and Maintenance |
Will Heat Pumps Break the Grid? Here’s Real Data! What will it mean for the grid if we electrify all the things? The attempts to answer this question to date have been rooted in modeling assumptions. We’ll report from our NYSERDA-funded research project measuring the actual electric load profile of today’... Full Description |
The Forum |
Building Envelope MEP Systems Policy |
Embodied and Operational Decarbonization Trade-Offs in the Building Envelope Some of the most efficient building envelope design strategies for reducing operational carbon involve increasing the enclosure assemblies’ thermal performance and requiring highly airtight systems. However, we are only starting to understand the trade-... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Design and Construction Process Building Envelope Materials |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Teamwork Makes the "Therm" Work! Scaling District Geothermal Through Coalitions What does a pipe fitter have to do with a nonprofit? What does a turnkey solution provider have to do with a utility? The answer is EVERYTHING. With the roll out of new IRA renewable tax credits, state incentives and pilot opportunities, there is so much... Full Description |
The Forum |
MEP Systems Business Operations and Collaboration Operations and Maintenance |
Further Together: Unlocking the Most Benefit by Collaborating in Decarbonization This session will deconstruct how collaboration is a key component in helping communities decarbonize. The Crescent Farms Community Solar Project, built atop two Staten Island churches, is backed by workforce development labor and strategic... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Justice and Equity Finance Business Operations and Collaboration Training and Workforce Development |
Inside and Out: Insulating Our Existing Masonry Buildings In the Northeast, we have the benefit and burden of a large stock of uninsulated masonry buildings of various typologies and conditions. Leaving these buildings as they are is untenable with the global effort to reduce carbon emissions, and will not... Full Description |
The Hub |
Design and Construction Process Building Envelope Materials Health and Comfort |
Engaging A Multi-Generational Workforce to Decarbonize the Future This session will explore the challenges to, opportunities for, and results from accelerating cross-generational engagement in the pursuit of decarbonization. After identifying some major generational differences, we will explore how BR+A... Full Description |
Innovation Space |
Business Operations and Collaboration Training and Workforce Development |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
Tales from the Trenches: Passive House Ventilation Commissioning Best Practices Hear tales from the trenches regarding ventilation approaches within the context of the Passive House certification standard. This standard has set a high benchmark for low-energy buildings and is widely known as the most rigorous energy efficiency... Full Description |
The Forum |
MEP Systems Health and Comfort Operations and Maintenance |
Do the Math: Financing Decarbonization in Existing Multifamily Housing We invite you to an interactive session on financing strategies for preparing New York's affordable housing to meet the climate goals of New York State and New York City. Presenters will share insights from Sustainable Affordable Housing, a recently... Full Description |
The Hub |
Justice and Equity Policy Finance |
Decarbonization with Intention: Democratizing Data to Dismantle Barriers in Retrofits To ensure equitable decarbonization, we must engage existing communities, accelerate pre-construction planning, and streamline financial pathways. By leveraging public data, we can democratize information and automate a scope relevant to the people that... Full Description |
Innovation Space |
Justice and Equity Design and Construction Process Finance Business Operations and Collaboration |
Session Title | Speakers | Room | Areas of Focus |
NYCHA RAD-PACT: Generational Opportunities for Driving Change NYCHA's Rental Assistance Demonstration Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (RAD-PACT) program leverages public-private partnerships to transition Section 9 Public Housing to Section 8 Project-Based Voucher subsidized housing. This... Full Description |
Club Parlor |
Justice and Equity Design and Construction Process Policy Business Operations and Collaboration |
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: How Smart Buildings are Decarbonizing NYC While demand response has been around for decades, allowing utility companies to mitigate peak demand and generate revenue for buildings, we are seeing more opportunities for interactive demand management, resident participation, and electrification-... Full Description |
The Hub |
Design and Construction Process MEP Systems Energy Production and Storage Business Operations and Collaboration |
Turning Building Supers into Energy-Saving Superheroes! In this session we'll present the challenges and successes of the NYSERDA-funded Top Ops Program, which integrates site-based training into a Strategic Energy Management (SEM) approach, and detail the most effective interventions leading to behavior... Full Description |
Innovation Space |
Justice and Equity MEP Systems Operations and Maintenance Training and Workforce Development |
Multifamily Central Heat Pump Water Heating Retrofits: Learning the Hard Way We will share our experience with the design, permitting, installation, commissioning, and operation of 14 large-capacity central heat pump domestic hot water heating plants in low-income multifamily buildings (20 - 120 units) in disadvantaged communities... Full Description |
The Forum |
Design and Construction Process MEP Systems Operations and Maintenance |