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Pretty Good Reno: The Greenest House Is an Existing House

An existing house represents an enormous amount of “up front” carbon that has already been committed. The more we can re-use it, the less carbon we are releasing per unit of housing. But when is enough enough? This session is about finding the sweet spot between existing and desired, and how to balance expense vs savings.

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Room / Location:
Harbor 2

CEU Information: 

BOC: 1 credit hour
BPI: 1 credit hour
GBCI: 1 credit hour (BD+C, ID+C, WELL)
MA CSL: 1 credit hour (Energy)
NAHB: 1 credit hour
NARI: 1 credit hour
PHI: Credit offered for full conference attendance
Phius: Credit offered for each full conference day
RESNET: Credit offered for each full conference day

Learning Objectives:

  • Prioritize a renovation project’s energy goals.
  • Avoid creating problems after renovation (moisture, IAQ, etc).
  • Balance upfront carbon vs. operational carbon in a renovation project.
  • Lower the costs of renovation while still achieving significant energy savings.

Session ID: 


Session Documents: