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Emerging Professionals Career Forum: NYC

small breakout group
TKP Conference Center
New York, NY
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

4:30 - 6:00
The Emerging Professionals Career Forum is a free, interactive event providing a venue for students and emerging professionals to gain practical strategies for building professional networks, including resources for finding jobs and internships. Attendees will have a chance to hone their networking skills and exchange advice while they meet one another and the NESEA Board of Directors in small discussion groups.  Because of the interdisciplinary nature of NESEA and its Board, this event will bring together a mix of individuals of diverse professional backgrounds, each with valuable insights to share with attendees.

The Career Forum is designed for people pursuing careers in renewable energy, the high performance building sector, sustainability, and related industries. Attendees will be invited to attend the Opening Reception for BuildingEnergy NYC immediately following the Career Forum. This event is free of charge, but registration is required.  Light refreshments will be provided.  Please direct questions to

Who's Attending

The following members of the NESEA Board of Directors will be participating in the Career Forum, acting as a resource and sounding board for attendees, and learning what NESEA can do to better support newer members of the NESEA community.

Michael Bruss, Owner, Bruss Project Management, LLC

Saheel Chandrani, Sr. Account Executive, Johnson Controls, Inc.

Martine Dion, Director of Sustainable Design, Symmes Maini & McKee Associates (SMMA)

Paul Eldrenkamp, President, Byggmeister, Inc.

Jenna Ide, Director of Capital Projects & Municipal Operations City of Salem

Phil Kaplan, Principal, Kaplan Thompson Architects

Cindy Malinchak, Regional Public Sector Manager, Systems and Services, Philips Lighting Electronics North America

Rob Meyers, Energy Services Manager, South Mountain Company

Lauren Moss, Director, NORESCO

Fortunat Mueller, Managing Partner, ReVision Energy

Richard Renner, Architect, Richard Renner Architects

John Skipper - Pure Energy, LLC

Ben Southworth, Principal, Garland Mill Timberframes

Event Schedule

4:30 Attendees arrive & check in. Snacks provided.

4:45 Opening activity for attendees.

5:00 Career Forum attendees are joined by the NESEA Board of Directors.

5:10 Attendees and Board members break into small groups based on area of interest for semi-structured conversation & activity.

5:30 All attendees reconvene as large group for final activity & networking.

5:50 Closing remarks from Saheel Chandrani, member of the NESEA Board of Directors

6:00 Career Forum Concludes. Attendees and Board Members adjourn to the Opening Reception of BuildingEnergy NYC, happening one floor up.


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