Green Gauges: A Design Methodology at Williams College
Williams College has established the goal of 35% campus wide carbon reduction of 1990 carbon emissions by 2020. The Trustees asked a simple series of questions in this context:
- What specifically is the College doing to accomplish this goal?
- What does it cost?
- What are the savings?
In this session we will present the development of a methodology (i.e., Green Gauges) for design and construction teams to communicate strategies with the owner early in the process, and to provide consistent information regarding operational energy and the resulting carbon savings. What is the cost per metric ton of avoided carbon over the operation life of that strategy? We’ll find out.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
BOS18-208 - AIA 1.0 LU/HSW, MA CSL 1.0
Learning Objectives:
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