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Rethink Water Heating: Tankless Electric is an Efficient, Zero-Emission Solution

BREAKOUT SPONSORED BY EEMAX - Discover the many ways tankless electric technology saves water and energy with a zero greenhouse gas footprint. This AIA accredited learning unit explores the challenge architects and plumbing design professionals experience when looking to find the right balance between performance and efficiency in water heating systems. A review of plumbing code requirements and insights into specification considerations will be shared. This course will identify types of water heating technologies with a focus on Tankless Electric Water Heater (TEWH) function and design. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss with Eemax engineering and application specialists their own unique water heating challenges. Eemax products support specifications ranging from 1.8 kW to 150 kW, and flow rates from 0.2 GPM to 30 GPM.

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Session Speaker(s): 

Event Time: 

Thursday, September 26, 2019 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Room / Location: 

Water Studio

CEU Information: 

AIA 1.0 LU; ASPE 0.10 CEU toward CPD or CPDT recertification

Learning Objectives:

Session ID: 
