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New York State’s Path to All-Electric, Carbon-Neutral Buildings

This session will provide an overview of two groundbreaking clean energy initiatives coming out of NYSERDA: the Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap and the Building Electrification Roadmap. These paired documents lay out the vision, recommendations and program planning that will allow New York to (1) rapidly accelerate heat pump adoption for HVAC and hot water solutions through 2030, and (2) overcome the various technical, economic, and behavioral challenges to full decarbonization of the state’s building stock by 2050. Participant interaction will be encouraged via open discussion and virtual polling on some of the Roadmaps’ more surprising findings.

Session Speaker(s): 

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Experience Level: 

2 (some prior experience/knowledge helpful)

CEU Information: 

BPI 1.0 hour

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe New York’s Carbon Neutral Buildings Roadmap and Building Electrification Roadmap, how they can contribute via the draft comment process, and find more information on the process and upcoming Roadmap events
  • Describe the diversity of New York’s building stock and how to prepare their businesses and their buildings to lead in the decarbonization of New York’s building stock
  • Apply packages of measures for new construction and existing buildings that can result in carbon neutral-ready buildings, specifically packages for 4 key building types across different typologies & climate zones, based on extensive energy modeling (Single Family, Multifamily, Office, and Higher Education)
  • Compare the relative impacts of operational versus embodied carbon, of decarbonization efforts in existing buildings versus new construction, and the tradeoffs involved in building decarbonization policy and market development initiatives

Session ID: 
