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Diversity Caucus and Focus Group

For people of color, indigenous people, LGBTQIA, people with disabilities, and women

Calling all people of color/indigenous people, queer, trans and gender non-binary individuals (lgbtqia), women, and people with disabilities within the larger NESEA community. Grab your lunch and join us for an opportunity to get to know one another, share stories related to your identity and experience as a person often underrepresented in the design and construction sector. Speak out about instances of discrimination, oppressive dynamics, and microaggressions in our industry, as well as share strategies, successes, and strengths of our social identities with each other. Discuss some of the ways in which we can deepen the commitment to racial, gender, economic and disability justice in our high-performance building world. Brainstorm next steps our NESEA community can take to further invest in the People part of the triple bottom line, implement the commitment to diversity stated in the 2017 strategic plan, and continue to work at creating a truly inclusive conference and industry.

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 14, 2019 - 12:15pm to 1:15pm

Learning Objectives:

Session ID: 
