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Who's NOT In (And How We Can Reach Them)

What would it take for us in the green building movement to get the owners and builders who are still building to code minimums to join us? This interactive discussion will focus on incentives, the true overall cost add to make a building more climate conscious, and avenues that can help reach those who are not “in”. Our panel will include a developer who is undoubtedly “in” as well as a mechanical designer who often works with those who are not. We often preach to the choir; this panel will challenge you to think about how we get the rest of the market.

Session Chair(s): 

Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Room / Location:
Harbor 3

CEU Information: 

Attendance for each full conference day offers 4.5 credit hours for both RESNET and MA CSL licensure.

CEU Credits: 

BPI: 1 Hour
NARI: 1 Hour
PHIUS: 1 Hour

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key barriers facing builders who are not yet committed to building high performance and all electric
  • Implement strategies to directly address those barriers and arguments
  • Identify potential avenues and information to reach those types of builders
  • Explain how colleagues within the industry are uniquely positioned to influence their peers

Session ID: 


Session Documents: