The Center for EcoTechnology, a nonprofit based in Northampton, MA, should be your first stop when deciding to build green. We can help you get on the right track to a more efficient and cost effective home or building. Contact us today: 413-586-7350 ext. 242!
The Center for EcoTechnology HERS Raters are experts in all styles of buildings.
RES Check:
The Center for EcoTechnology staff can provide RES Check services on your project.
Diagnostic Testing:
Ducts, Ventilation, Blower door testing & Infrared scanning (Residential & Commercial)
Zero Net Energy:
CET can advise you on design and efficiency features for your project and sizing your solar panels to achieve Zero Net Energy performance. Zero Net Energy homes are efficient homes that use solar photovoltaic panels to produce as much power as they consume.
LEED for Homes Rating & LEED for Homes AP services:
The Center for EcoTechnology is proud to be a local LEED for Homes certification provider in western Massachusetts and surrounding regions.
Building science consultation & Education Services:
Building envelope, Energy Modeling, 2015 IECC code compliance, moisture/mold, air sealing & equipment recommendations.
©2025 Northeast Sustainable Energy Association - BuildingEnergy® is a registered trademark of Northeast Sustainable Energy Association