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Climate Specific Passive Building Standards as a Baseline for Zero Energy Buildings

This workshop will review the new climate specific passive building standards developed by Building Science Corporation and PHIUS through a DOE grant as a possible new baseline for the Zero Energy Ready Home program. Out of all the measures that can take a building to zero energy performance, passive building measures were identified as having the best economic potential. The workshop will identify the sweet spot between supply (renewables) and demand (conservation) based on climate and economic conditions. We will explain the research impetus, the building science reasoning and results in detail. Case studies of projects in three different climates will be presented to illustrate and compare the new standards results to the European one size fits all standard approach.


3 AIA, BPI, GBCI Continuing Education Units Available.


Event Time: 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Room / Location: 

Waterfront 3