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BuildingEnergy Boston 2022 Open Planning Meeting

Event Date: 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021








Share your vision for BuildingEnergy Boston 2022!

BuildingEnergy Boston is designed by and for practitioners (like you) in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Share your vision and help to shape the 2022 event by attending the Open Planning Meeting!

At this year's virtual Open Planning Meeting, we will be asking questions such as:

  • What new skills, knowledge, and solutions are most needed in the field today?
  • How can we step up our game to meet new challenges and opportunities?
  • What session topics and speakers would create an extraordinary learning experience at the BuildingEnergy conference?

The meeting will be interactive and paced to allow thoughtful conversation with other professionals from around the Northeast. You will also learn how you can become a member of the Content Committee, which reviews session proposals and guides their development into high-quality conference sessions.

This meeting is free and open to all — NESEA Membership is not required to attend. For more information, contact Ben Sachs-Hamilton, Conference Manager, at