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You make BuildingEnergy happen!

Did you know that NESEA’s BuildingEnergy conference is the only large-scale conference planned and run by an organization’s members, rather than by a production company? We’ve always done it this way—much to the astonishment and even horror of professional conference planners. It’s one of the things that makes BuildingEnergy a unique event. It’s what gives us our edge. You won’t find a conference with a more engaged, invested group of people. It’s your conference, so get involved!

Join the BuildingEnergy planning committee

The planning committee is a semi–self-organizing group of 50 or more member-professionals who determine the content of BuildingEnergy each year. A member-driven process guarantees vetted and proven ideas, and a higher-quality, more relevant conference. You should be able to commit to attending four planning meetings throughout the course of the year leading up to the conference. Interested? Contact Mary Biddle at or 413-774-6051 x 22

Serve as a member-volunteer and get in free

Member-volunteers help run the BuildingEnergy conference on site at the Seaport World Trade Center. Spend six hours per conference day helping with a variety of tasks and you’ll still have enough time to learn new things, make valuable business connections, and find new friends. Members can volunteer for one day or volunteer for all three. We start signing up volunteers in December.

Here are some of the responsibilities you can sign up for:

  • Assist with on-site set-up
  • Monitor workshops
  • Monitor sessions
  • Assist with registration
  • Assist on the trade show floor
  • Greet and direct people in the lobby
  • Other stuff as it comes up

Questions, or just want to get involved? Contact Miriam Aylward at or 413-774-6051 x 14. We look forward to having you on the team!