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Volunteer at BuildingEnergy Boston 2019

Update: We are no longer accepting applications for volunteers for this year's conference.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be part of the 2019 volunteer team. All positions for this year have been filled - we are leaving the information below for your reference in case you are interested in volunteering next year.  If you have any questions, or would like to be added to the waitlist, you can email



What does it mean to volunteer at BuildingEnergy Boston?

NESEA depends on nearly 60 volunteers to help make BuildingEnergy Boston a success. We describe volunteering as a work-exchange: in exchange for your help, you get to attend part of the conference for free.

Volunteer positions are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. All volunteers must be NESEA Members.

How much time does it take?

We have two basic options available for volunteering:

  • Option A:  Attend the conference for two days. We will assign you 8 hours worth of work duty on one of the days so that you can have the other day free.
  • Option B:  Attend the conference for one day. We will assign you 5 hours of work duty and you will have four hours free (on the same day when you volunteer).

Examples of volunteer tasks:

We assign volunteers to several different types of tasks throughout the conference. If you receive a volunteer placement, you will receive a detailed description of your schedule and responsibilities before the conference. Examples of tasks include helping at registration, acting as a greeter, helping with set-up, and staying in one session room to make announcements.

Ok, I'm ready—now what do I do?

First, you need to make sure your NESEA Membership is current. You can renew or become a member here. If you have questions about your membership status, contact  Katie Schendel, Membership Manager, at

Next, you will need to complete the volunteer application form. In order to view the form, you must be a current member of NESEA, and you must be logged in to your account. Once you are logged in here, you can access the volunteer application form here.

Questions? Please contact the volunteer team at or 413-774-6051 ext. 10.