BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Meetup
A section of lunch tables on the Trade Show floor will be reserved for people who participate in, or are interested in, the BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines program.
BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines consists of a network of regional peer groups of architecture, engineering, building, design/build, energy efficiency, and renewable energy businesses dedicated to high performance building. But the focus is not on building. The groups meet several times a year for two-day facilitated sessions at individual members’ places of business and communicate online year-round. Bottom Liners share the inner workings of their businesses with their peers who help them sharpen their skills and improve their Triple Bottom Lines (People, Planet, and Profit).
If you're a current Bottom Liner (as we call them), stop by to catch up with people from your group, or meet people from others. If you're curious about Bottom Lines, feel free to stop by. In addition to program participants, NESEA staff will also be available for questions about this exciting (and expanding) new NESEA program.