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BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines Participant Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines! Please fill out this application so that we can determine which business network is the best fit for you and your company.

Before filling out this application online, please read through all of the detailed information available on the NESEA website at Note that participating in BuildingEnergy Bottom Lines is open to NESEA business members only. For more information about NESEA business membership, click here. Please be aware of your responsibilities as a network participant before you complete this application.

If you have any questions, please contact Miriam Aylward at or 413-774-6051 x14.

Contact Person:
Company Address:
(e.g. C Corp., S Corp., LLC, sole proprietor, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, worker co-op, ESOP, B Corp, L3C, other)
Number of Employees
For example, how many 1099s do you send out annually, on average?
Annual gross revenue in recent years:
(if available)
(e.g. consultant, new home builder, remodeler, architect, engineer, design/build, specialty trade)
(List of towns, counties, states, regions)
(Size? Nature? Expansion?)
(What do you wish your business could do? What could it provide in services and to the community?)
Triple Bottom Line:
BE Bottom Lines is designed to help us with business – to build stronger organizations through Triple Bottom Line (TBL) practice, a way of thinking and operating that assigns equal weight to “People, Planet, and Profits.” For each of the three Bottom Lines that are at the core of this program, please indicate your level of interest and experience in pursuing with 1 being little to no interest or experience, and 5 being substantial interest or experience.
Social change & justice, employee well-being, governance, ownership, community involvement, philanthropy, legacy, and service:
Building performance standards, resilience, company carbon footprints, and environmental restoration:
Financial success and stability, growth, capitalization, sales and marketing, investment: