Home Performance is Awesome–So Why Isn’t Every Homeowner Beating Down Your Door?

Most Americans say energy efficiency is important in how they make their daily decisions. In fact, most Americans claim they would prioritize energy efficiency over their comfort and convenience. The reality is quite different. 80% of Americans don’t think they’re using more energy today than they were five years ago and half think their homes are already energy efficient. These misperceptions result in some big barriers home performance contractors must overcome to get homeowners interested in retrofits. So how can contractors – and anyone selling energy efficient products and services – overcome those barriers and gain traction in the market? Suzanne Shelton, CEO of Shelton Group, the nation’s leading marketing and advertising agency entirely focused in the energy and environment sector, will share her firm’s latest quarterly polling of Americans and specific recommendations of how to shift Americans’ thinking and get them on the train to an energy efficient future. Accredited for 1 MA CSL continuing education hour in Business Practice.

Event Time: 

Thursday, March 6, 2014 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Room / Location: 

Cityview 1

CEU Information: 

Accredited for 1 MA CSL continuing education hour in Business Practice.

Learning Objectives: