BuildingEnergy Boston 2020

Thanks for your interest in BuildingEnergy Boston 2020, a virtual conference and trade show, Wednesday–Friday, August 12–14. Please contact us at or (413) 774-6051 ext. 19 with questions.

NESEA Members, log in to receive member pricing. Non-Members, join today to receive 10% off on your conference registration.


Primary Registrant
If you are logged in, the fields below will display your current account information. Changes made below will update your account.
If your address is not editable below, it is linked through your employer's record. Please contact Katie Schendel at to update.
If you are registering someone else and not yourself, while you are logged in, click the register a different person link above to clear the form.
Enter professional and academic credentials that you want to display with your profile, separated by a comma and space, e.g. LEED, AIA
If "Current Employer" above is blank or incorrect, please enter your correct, current employer below in Employer Update Field. (We will update your record shortly.)
If you are a current student, please indicate your university or place of study
Optional Questions - Leave blank if none
Every attempt will be made to accommodate your request. If you have additional accessibility concerns, please email
Select pronouns to display on your name badge for an in-person event. If your pronouns are not listed, please email Florence MacGregor.
Event Fee(s)
→   Please see details on pricing and what is included
Total for this participant
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Demographic Information
NESEA collects the information requested below to better serve our community. Learn all about why.
Answering these questions is optional.  NESEA will keep this information confidential and will only use it in aggregation or with your consent.
You may select more than one or add additional below, if applicable.
Check all that apply
Event Preferences