Building Science Discussion Group

The Portland, Maine, Building Science Discussion Group recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. This ad hoc group of building professionals continues to meet monthly for informal, facilitated discussions of specific topics. Along the way, they’ve learned a lot about building science, birthed the “Pretty Good House” initiative, and inspired similar discussion groups to form (such as Mike Maines’ BS & Beer in central Maine). Intrigued by the idea of creating your own local group? To give you a sense of how these sessions work, Portland facilitators Steve Konstantino and Dan Kolbert will lead a sample discussion on the topic of low carbon renovation, and then share strategies and tools to form your own building science discussion group.

Experience Level:
1 (no prior experience/knowledge needed)

CEU Information:
AIA 1.5 LU

Learning Objectives:

  •     Set up a discussion group locally, including how develop a contact list
  •     Moderate a discussion among people of varying experience and knowledge
  •     Weigh pros and cons of various low-carbon renovation strategies
  •     Give and receive feedback on complicated building science topics

Session ID:


Event Time: 

Sunday, March 22, 2020 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm