Sol Lux Alpha

Project Subtitle: 

Multi Unit Passive House N+E "Nanogrid" Living + Transportation Development

Project Description: 

These four fine residences represent an evolution of design and convergence of technologies resulting in Carbon Neutral Living and Transportation. Off The Grid Design LLC, The Klein Family Trust, RG Architecture, and project partners are building the first multi-unit "Nanogrid" project to be offered to the residential market in the USA. The project, known as "Sol Lux Alpha" will be complete and commissioned by Sring of 2018. A new energy paradigm is dawning and this building and others similar are at the nexus of this technological shift. A connected grouping of similar renewable energy "net positive energy" buildings are designed to interconnect and begin forming Community Microgrids. "Sol Lux Alpha" has a 45 Kw bifacial BIPV array on a raised trellis over the roof-top lounge deck/garden space. Each of the 4 units has 41.5 kWh of energy str=orage and management from Project Partners TESLA Energy. The common areas including elevator  has 24 kWh of "Blue Ion" LiFePo4 Energy Storage frpm Project Partners Blue PLanet Energy. The buiolding is designed also with BIEV (building integrated electric vehicle) infrastructure with future-planned V2B (vehicle to building energy) architecture built in to be future ready. The "Passive House" Designed and Certified structure represents the pinnacle of ultra energy efficient design, allowing excess renewable energy generation beyond building needs for on site EV charging.

The convergence of technologies as planned and designed results in a new "Zero Carbon Living + Transportation" system. The savings in energy costs and $300/mo vehicle fuel costs PER UNIT can represent a $5,400 per year savings for each unit, even at today's low energy costs.

The building will save many tens of thousands in energy cost and can be an asset to the community and city during power disruptions or natural disaasters. When one factors in the societal cost benefit in ghg reductionsmove toward decarbonized societies. We are developing this as a new system of design/development for ourselves and others to follow, for people, for the planet, and for profit of all.

Contact us at; for more details on the project and how you can help take part in the global energy transition that is occurring.

Building Type Summary: 

Multi Family Nanogrid N+E Structure


685 Florida St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States



Lat. / Long.: 

POINT (-95.712891 37.09024)

Location Type: 


Climate Region: 

Zone 3

Occupancy Type and Details: 

R-3 Multi-family, Owned by four independent owners, with HOA. These are residences, time will vary by family.

Number of stories: 


Conditioned Floor Area: 

7 008

Conditioned Building Volume: 

66 576

Semiconditioned Floor Area: 

1 200

Unconditioned Floor Area: 

4 000

Multiple buildings?: 

Total number of units in project (all buildings): 


Total floor area of project (all buildings): 



Completion date: 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Site description: 

25' x 100' east-West longitudinal lot. Urban Infill


4 advanced wood framed floors over a concrete podium. Roof deck with raised BIPV trellis. Landscaped planters on roof deck


DOE ZNE Ready Home Program, Phius+, Energy Star, EPA WaterSense

Special architectural measures: 

Minimized thermal bridging for 2 exterior balconies per floor. "Cross strut" balcony support and uplift resistance using stainless steel rods. Double dens glass exteror and double gypsumm interior provided adequate thermal break for Passive House Certification. Dula Glazed, Passive House Certified windows.

Number of Bathrooms: 


Scope Description: 

New Passive Solar , PHIUS+ Source Zero Certification. 100% site based renewable energy "Nanogrid" technology provided by TESLA ENERGY, BLUE PLANET ENERGY, SUNPREME, and OFF THE GRID DESIGN. Project is designed as a CARBON NEUTRAL LIVING+TRANSPORTATION system. No fossil fuels on site. All electric ultra high efficiency building.

Site conditions: 

previously undeveloped land

Number of Bedrooms: 




Basis of Performance Claim: 

Zero Energy Program

Type of Construction: 


Days per year Building is fully occupied: 


Submitter Contact Email: 

Submitter Contact Phone Number: 

(415) 342-7199

Project Type: 

Net Exporter

Indoor Environment Description: 

Air Pahoda ERV per unit. 2 Zone Mini-split Heat pump HVAC per unit. Sanden CO2 HPWH for domestic HW, Automated interior shades for heat gain regulation.
