Energy Positive Homes in Devens, MA

R. Carter Scott of Transformations, Inc. and Kohta Ueno of Building Science Corporation will present case study data on several of the 8 Energy Positive homes built in Devens, MA. As much as 10,000 kwh of extra energy was projected to be produced on 3 of the homes—enough to power a Nissan Leaf or Chevy Volt for 30,000 mile per year. One of the homes has been extensively monitored with wall sensors to record moisture levels of the sheathing and various levels and kinds of insulation including cellulose and low density foam. Comparisons with PassivHaus standard will include construction detailing, achieved airtightness levels, and resulting energy performance. Come learn the details on how to cost effective design and positive homes in a cold climate.

Event Time: 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Room / Location: 

Cityview 1

CEU Information: 

Accredited for 1 MA CSL continuing education hour in Energy.

Learning Objectives: