Home Page Content Administration

General Instructions for managing home page content:

  • Use this admin page to rearrange content, and as a quick way to navigate to a piece of content that's currently shown on the home page, for editing.
  • Use the regular tools for adding new content, then visit this page to rearrange as needed.

Featured Conversation/Blog Blocks

For Conversations, Masters Blog and Community Blog, the topic displayed on the home page is the latest topic in the category marked as "Featured."

To select a new topic to display in any of these three blocks:

  • Go to the Topic you want to feature, Edit the topic, click the "Featured" checkbox near the bottom, and save. Make sure it has a photo/image.
    • If it's the most recently posted topic, it will now be displayed on the home page.
    • If another topic is also marked as "Featured" and is more recent, that one will still display. In that case:
      • In the list on this page, click "Edit" for the topic that you don't want featured, un-check "Featured." and save.
      • If there are multiple old topics still showing in these lists, you might want to un-select "Featured" for all the old ones, just to keep this page tidy.