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Passive House Retrofit of a Brooklyn Heights Carriage House

Event Date: 

Friday, March 25, 2022


Brooklyn, NY

CEU Information: 

PHIUS (3 Credits) & AIA (3 LU); certificates of attendance provided to all attendees


Note: As of 3-21-22, this event has sold out. 

Cost $25 Members/$35 Non-Members

NESEA's first Pro Tour of 2022, an in-person event that showcased a Passive House retrofit of an 1800s Brooklyn Heights carriage house.

During this event, attendees learned about the key goals of the renovation, including historic preservation and improving environmental performance. After the opening presentation led by host Baxt Ingui Architects, attendees split into small groups. We heard multiple members of the team speak to their specific work as we move through the project, at the time it was still under construction and had an estimated completion date of July 2022. We then reconvened as a full group for a Q&A.

The project team walked attendees through the process they employed to restore the front façade of the historic house, increase square footage in the cellar and on the roof, and to connect the multiple floors via a sculptural wood stair that sits below a large skylight, allowing light to pour through the center of the home. Attendees also learned about the home’s energy systems and the specific considerations of bringing a historic home to Passive House standards.


Tentative Schedule

1:45 PM

Doors open, registration, networking and coffee

2:15 PM

Welcome by NESEA and Series Sponsors

2:30 PM

Overview of the project by the host

3:15 PM

Group walks to project site for tour (~3 minutes from meeting space)

3:20 PM

Tour of project begins; attendees rotate through content-specific stations

4:25 PM

Group Reconvenes and heads back to meeting point

4:30 PM

Reception with light refreshments + Q&A Panel with members of project team

5:30 PM

Event Concludes


If you have questions about this event, you can contact Florence at

2024 Pro Tour Series Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor


BuildingEnergy Pro Tour
New York State Series Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor:


Event Sponsors