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Pro Tour of Wayland's First Passive House: Part III

Rendering of exterior of house

Event Date: 

Friday, October 21, 2016


Wayland, MA


Wayland, MA

CEU Information: 

CEUs: 2.5 AIA LU/HSW, 2.5 GBCI, 3.5 BPI, and certificates of participation are available

At the third and final Pro Tour of the first Passive House in Wayland, more than 75 attendees will get to see the finished product now that systems are up and running.

The tour of this 4,200 square foot home was led by hosts Nicholas Falkoff and Mike Dutra from Auburndale Builders; the Auburdnale team was joined by energy rater Mike Duclos, and Donald Grose, the project designer. The tour concluded with a reception and a Q&A about the project overall, from conception to performance.

Project Details

  • The existing house was deconstructed piece by piece and the materials sold for re-use

  • HERS Index rating of 40

  • 12kw PV Array offsets all energy needs

  • The home will be certified through PHIUS to meet the Passive standard

  • The insulation of the house is an entirely foam-free enclosure

  • The rainwater from the house will be harvested and used for irrigation


12:30 PM Doors open, networking and coffee
1:00 PM Welcome by NESEA, overview of the project specs
2:00 PM Tour of the site
3:30 PM Reception and refreshments
4:00 PM Presentation with Nick Falkoff, Mike Dutra and Donald Grose; Q&A with project team
5:00 PM Event concludes


Construction & Demolition Materials Best Management Practices Focus Group

RecyclingWorks, in collaboration with the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), invites you to attend a C&D Focus Group preceding the Pro Tour, 11:00-12:30.  Lunch will be provided!

Topics for discussion during the Focus Group include:

  • Reuse: Connecting with salvage outlets to capture reusable materials.
  • Source Separation: What materials make sense to separate on-site and at what scale of project?
  • C&D Processing: Best practices for capturing high-value materials at comingled facilities.

Please attend to share your experience with these or other issues related to diverting C&D materials from disposal. 

To register for the Focus Group, register first for the Pro Tour, then click on the Focus Group link included in the Pro Tour confirmation email.   Questions?  Call or email Katie Schendel, 413-774-6051x20,

For more information, click here.



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