Building Tech Forum materialsCAN: Getting to Zero With Embodied Carbon

Community Event

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Event Date: 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020








Building Tech Forum: Roadmap to 2050 wanted to better understand how our carbon footprint will change to accommodate the Commonwealth’s commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050. Now, we’re narrowing in on a particular type of carbon that’s standing in the way of carbon neutrality: embodied carbon.

The Materials Carbon Action Network (materialsCAN) states that “embodied carbon will be responsible for almost half of total new construction emissions between now and 2050. Unlike operational carbon emissions, which can be reduced over time with building energy efficiency renovations and the use of renewable energy, embodied carbon emissions are locked in place as soon as a building is built. It is critical that we get a handle on embodied carbon now if we hope to phase out fossil fuel emissions by the year 2050.” Handling embodied carbon then is an important objective for innovative sustainable design – this upcoming Building Tech Forum will tackle exactly this issue.

Building Tech Forum materialsCAN: Getting to Zero With Embodied Carbon brings together members of the Materials Carbon Action Network to explore the future of embodied carbon. Through five-minute lightning talks, experts will discuss the future of materials that prioritize embodied carbon, important materials to consider, and other critical design challenges. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and to connect with the people behind the amazing innovations happening within our community!

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