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Encyclopedic Energy Design: New Priorities, New Challenges

Community Event

Hosting Organization: 


Event Date: 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022








Within the AEC industries, the already-present challenges of the 21st century will require novel, comprehensive approaches to energy use and measure, but agile players in the construction market can see rapid returns on their efforts: high building performance, climate-friendly materials, long-term durability, healthy IAQ, lower cost, and the technological tools for insight and analysis of our efforts. In this webinar, we’ll take the “30,000 foot view” of energy, and discuss why companies like ours are prioritizing supply chains and pizza toppings alongside blower-door results.

The webinar will be facilitated by Andrew William Frederick, the founder of Croft, a carbon-capture company that just happens to also make high-performance, architecturally ambitious buildings. Andrew is a Maine native who has spent the bulk of his career blurring the lines between builder and architect, while combining stringent environmental ethics and long-view pragmatism to each and every project.

For more information, contact Betsy Ames at or 978.633.3013.

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