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Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp with Emu

Community Event

Hosting Organization: 

Yestermorrow Design / Build School & Emu Passive

Event Date: 

Monday, July 17, 2023






Yestermorrow Design / Build School


7865 Main Street
Waitsfield, VT 05673

Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp with Emu
The Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp, specifically, combines Emu’s CPHT coursework with our unique, hands-on Passive Pod Workshop. The Boot Camp is a 4-day all-in-one educational experience that includes 2 days of classroom learning, 2 days of workshop, and access to a remote, online CPHT professional accreditation exam. After passing the exam, students earn the PHI Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT) credential. 
Sample Schedule:

  • Day 1: Classroom - Intro to Passive, Insulation, Thermal Bridges, Fenestration.
  • Day 2: Classroom - Retrofits, Airtightness, Moisture, Ventilation, Heating/Cooling.
  • Day 3 & 4: Hands-on workshop designed to examine the WHY behind your building science decisions and simulation of on-site job roles. Student teams will build Emu’s unique “Passive Pods” and test them against each other and against a “Code Pod”

We will meet each day from 9am-5:30 pm with a half hour break for lunch at noon.

Emu’s training and services use the Passive House standard as an anchor point for making measurable and informed decisions toward high-performance construction. Emu is accredited with the international Passive House Institute as an Education Provider of course material in preparation for the exam to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT).

The registration deadline for this course is July 17. If we have space, we will accept registrations after this deadline subject to an additional $50 registration fee.

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