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NESEA's Emerging Professional Career Forum

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm

In this interactive session, attendees will gain practical strategies for building professional networks, including resources for finding jobs and internships, and how to best leverage NESEA membership as a career resource.

Attendees will have a chance to hone their networking skills and exchange advice while they meet one another and experienced NESEA members in small groups based on area of focus. The Career Forum is designed for people pursuing careers in renewable energy, the high performance building sector, and related industries. Attendees will be invited to keep the conservation going post-conference in through an online platform provided by NESEA. This event is free and open to all conference and trade show attendees.

Session Schedule   
  • Welcome and internship search information from Jessica Ridlen of MassCEC.
  • Two emerging professionals share their first-hand tips for launching careers, including best practices for networking and how to leverage NESEA membership.
  • Attendees split into small groups based on areas of focus to meet one another and ask field-specific questions of established professionals who wil act as hosts to the break-out groups.
  • To mix it up, groups move from their area of focus to a content area out of their comfort zone, to get more, personalized advice and to hone their networking skills.
  • After the session, attendees will be invited (free of charge) to attend the Trade Show Reception, and will be invited to participate in an online community of emerging professionals, hosted by NESEA.

Room / Location: 

Harborview Ballroom